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to think that it'd go by without much notice


Okay, so, how bad am I? I had a birthday on Wednesday and am just now getting around to talking about it. So here we go.

Tuesday night, all disappointed that they didn't have cheese curds at Central Market so that I could make poutine, Becca asked what would I like to do as a back-up - go out to dinner? I said, well, yeah, but where I really want to go is a little out of the way: Cheesecake Factory. She said, why not? So, the next day we managed to get a group together and headed downtown. Sarah's was not quite up to snuff (where does that phrase come from, anyway?), but mine certainly was; Thai chicken pasta wonderful as usual, and apparently they added the Godiva dark chocolate cheesecake as a permanent addition to their menu, so of course I had to have that.

In conclusion, a v. nice birthday, and I'd like to thank Becca, Sarah, Josh, James, Nick, and Jen for all coming with me. :) And especially Becca for organizing it such last minute and for buying my dinner.

And Katie for taking me out to lunch at the always tasty Fuddruckers.

And Nick brought me two pink roses, a teddy bear, and a card; James gave me chocolate-covered strawberries; and Curt gave me a Star Wars book. Kelly e-mailed me from a hotel. Will called me, as did my family, including Sari who called from the Land Down Under. Ernie, Talana, Steve and Aaron e-mailed me, and Mark said happy b'day over MSN.

Such wonderful friends!

Sarah would claim that because I'm writing about Wednesday, even though it's Sunday, this doesn't count as a "Sunday" entry. Maybe not, but it'll count for Friday's, too, because I have some crazy news: my Prius, the one that I ordered a month ago, the one that was supposed to take 6-9 months to come in, is in. Bloody hell. (Yes, dad, I did just curse.) The Batmobile is here! I am so not ready for it. The 6-9 months was supposed to allow me to build up a down payment. As of now, I'll be financing the whole thing. Holy cow. Next week at this time, I'll have a new car.

So, Sarah, by your accounting I now have two blog entries. :) Let's see, here's number three:

Yesterday, I got up at the unholy hour of 7:30 (on a freakin' Saturday) and went into work to help out at the Space Settlement Design Contest. It was pretty cool, and this year's teams asked a lot more questions than I remembered. One idea that a team came up with (and which I think is so cool) was to create a giant dome structure in a honecomb design, mostly constructed out of steel, but with glass windows interspersed throughout. That in and of itself is rather advanced thinking for high school (in my opinion, anyway, when I think of where I was grade 10-12), but the really cool bit was that not only would the glass windows consist of several panes (I'd explained to them why should use >1), but that they'd insert water in between two panes to 1) magnify the amount of light into the dome, thereby decreasing the number of windows needed, and 2) increase radiation protection. I was so impressed! Yay for the future of the space program.

Entertaining story of the day: currently, we have four dogs in the house. Our two, plus Sundy and Travis' Corgi mix, Pete, and their Dauchsund (sp?), Pistol. Pete is really funny because he's even more of a fraidy cat than Bennet: he (Pete) is afraid of the water bowl (we have one of those bottles that feeds down into the bowl) because it bubbled at him once. Watching him drink is endlessly entertaining; he stands as far away as he can and still barely reach, then leans in, takes a few sips, and leans back; he repeats the process until he's quenched his thirst. Becca was worried that he'd give up drinking, so put a regular bowl of water out for him. Spoil sport!

Today, not a whole lot going on. I am working Orbit 1 ISO starting tonight, meaning I go to work at 1:30 a.m. Fun! So much for President's Day! (Sarah, does this count for all next week since I mentioned it? ;)

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