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the end (of the week) is nigh


Thank goodness this is my last day doing this crazy early shift! I am so exhausted. Plus, I am feeling really frustrated right now. I know that's the rule rather than the exception these days, and I'm sorry for that, but I'm trying to deal with a bunch of stuff, so bear with me. I can't always be sunshine and roses!

The reason that I'm frustrated right now is that I'm on console and I can't access some of the more important tools to do my job - yes, including e-mail. For what I'm doing, it's rather important and is more than just a nuisance that it's down. I also cannot access the schedule, so I cannot produce necessary products.

So, for the moment until tech support comes in, I'm SOL. I think it's all related to the fact that I couldn't log into my secondary server, and a simple password reset should do the trick. I know that makes it sound like I've locked myself out of my account. While I'm pretty sure that that's what happened, I'm not sure how.

So, I'm stuck with no e-mail access, no schedule. But, as you can see, I can access the web, so 8 hours of web-surfing, here I come! (Just kidding, boss.) However, it is true that today, I will be the most ineffectual ISO EVER!!! Grrr...

I had a pretty weird dream last night. My boyfriend was visiting (I don't have one), and he was going to come to work with me. I don't actually know what work was, but the drive to it was very similar to the stretch of freeway running through Newcastle, California, the town (yes, town) where I grew up. While driving, it suddenly turned from work to skiing, and my boyfriend was no longer there, but several others, including my friend, Kelly, were in the car. We were driving to Whistler, which turned out to be in Winnipeg (it's near Vancouver, actually), despite the fact that, in my dream, it was supposed to be in the US. California, to be exact. Once we got there, the chair lifts started halfway up the mountain (and it was a big mountain), w/only means of transportation to mid-level being one's own two feet.

That's not really all that "out there" by any standards, but it just felt weird. It's hard to describe. I've had many that were much more crazy, but which didn't leave me with just such a "weird" feeling afterwards, as did this one.


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