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four down, one to go


Ofta. Today is a hard one; it feels as if I didn't sleep at all yesterday, although I did (try to) go to bed a little bit earlier. Part of it is that I woke up several times. This always happens, tho' - 1st day's bad, 2nd and 3rd okay, 4th day again bad (not as much as day 1, however), and 5th day, just as am getting into the rhythm, it's over. NOT that I mind; I'll go back to normal hours after five days readily enough, thank you very much! Strangely enough, it seems to help somewhat to remind myself that when I was in France and Germany two years ago (two years!), these were normal hours; 2 a.m. here corresponds to 9 a.m. there.

I've already finished my "lunch" (tasty, too!), so hopefully, I'll be able to last the next ~7 hours - then it's home and naptime!! The first four hours of this shift seem sooooooooo long, and then the last four just fly by.

Tomorrow is my last day, thankfully, then it's off to Cali for me. I leave at 2:30 - can anyone give me a ride to the airport??? Becca always gives me a hard time because I like to lock in rides well in advance; well, this time, I did not, and see what happens? No ride. :( Everyone's already gone.

I did go back to volunteer yesterday like I had signed up to do. More sorting, this time of rulers. If this is "wrapping gifts", then I think I'll stick to the bikes next year. I certainly hope that the school supplies were donated because it makes little sense to order personalized items for charity. After all, while they are cool names, just how many little Xaviers and Aishas are there running around?

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