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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

"Take care of the minutes, and the hours and years will take care of themselves." -Anonymous

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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he's loaded lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh


Attempt #2 for going to the doctor, not something I want to do anyway, and find out that they can't see me because my HMO is Blue Cross/Blue Shield Kelsey Seabold and the doctor that I made an appointment with is Blue Cross/Blue Shield Renaissance. So, strike two on that. See? Fate doesn't want me to visit the doctor, I don't want to visit the doctor. It's a sign! Don't visit the doctor! Oh, I know, I know. I will. grumble grumble grumble

And tomorrow I get to go the clinic and have them tell me I need to find a primary care doctor and that because of a high white blood cell count in my labs, I can't be a flight controller. Or something. I'm being negative. Sorry. I'm cranky. It's just one Christmas present after another, and the best one of all is that my computer died. Not my new Apple at home, but my work computer. Sarah's hard drive went out a while ago, and mine seems to be following in fine form. When starting up, it beeps twice and then gives the black screen of death, stating "A parameter has been found to be out of range. This may or may not indicate a hardware problem." It's like hanging a sign over hell stating, "Welcome to Eternal Damnation. It may or may not get slightly warm." I'm clinging to the hope that maybe there's a cable loose somewhere (and not in my head, thank you very much) but truly I believe that my hard drive is hosed.

In case you're wondering how I'm updating my blog with a dead computer, I have the amazing ability to just think the words and they show up magically on the web page. Or maybe I'm using someone else's computer. But the first would be much more fun if I could actually do it.

Last night I watched Tess of the d'Ubervilles which was good, but really depressing. It's based on the Victorian novel of the same name by Thomas Hardy, and surprise of surpises, Becca hadn't read it, although she does admit that it sounds exactly like something her mother would make her read: Violated by one man, abandoned by another (her true love), Tess refuses to be a victim, but her quest for happiness and independance drives her toward a tragic end. Is there something wrong with me that I want to read the book?

I am a geek. I want to build a Block I Apollo Guidance Computer. I know squat about computers, so I wouldn't be much help, but this would be an excellent excuse to learn.

I *did* receive a nice surprise today, however; there was a present sitting on my desk. Mmm, I love those kinds of presents. Dead computers, not so much.

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