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a walk down the aisle


I suppose I should write something, especially since I have something news worthy to write about. I received a phone call from my sister, Shelby, yesterday morning with the long-expected news: she's engaged! Yay! Good for her. Her boyfriend, Marcus, proposed on Saturday. It was very romantic. The wedding is on June 25th, which is the same date as two other weddings I know of: Sarah's sister, Katie, and my friend and fellow ISU alum, Nick. Certainly seems to be a popular date. So while this means that once again, I have an excuse to get all dolled up (I love having my make-up and hair done, as long as it's only once in a while) and prance around in a fancy dress and steal boyfriends and husbands from my friends so that I don't spend the entire night dancing with children because every wedding I have been to so far has had a shocking lack of available men, it also means that I won't be able to go to Nick's and will therefore miss the mini-reunion of all of my ISU classmates. Mais, c'est la vie. I am very excited for Shelby and we're going to go dress shopping when I come home. I really get caught up in the whole wedding bit.

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