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Ahh, time to defend myself again. Or at least clarify...

Per Becca's comment: "I feel the need to comment on the ironies in Cari's blog about t.v. usage. Nick (my roommate) just got a plasma t.v. for his bedroom. Cari is priding herself in not having a t.v. in her bedroom. Of course, in almost the same breath, she makes fun of the t.v. I have in the living room. Which I got for free. From Aunt Mary. I gave my old 13" t.v. from college to Nick (my brother) to take with him to school, so the 27" one from Aunt Mary was an upgrade. Everyone makes fun of it because its so small -- that is, until they see the t.v. in my bedroom, which I got when I was 8 years old (I think for a good report card or selling the most candy in a class fundraiser, I can't remember) and used to be connected to a TI-computer (yes, seriously). That t.v. still has knobs and dials. Anyway, despite being holier-than-thou about not having a tv in her room, she wants me to replace the archaic one in the living room. I want a trip to Hawaii and some flying lessons. Someone tell me where to spend my money! :)"

Alright, so I wasn't very clear; I guess it did seem like I was contradicting myself by saying "TVs are the source of all evil, I will never put one in my room" in one breath and "I want a theater-sized flat-screen in the living room" in the next. I was merely trying to accomplish three things:
1) Comment on the increasing number of rooms w/TV in them. For, despite the fact that the TV in Becca's room is little more than a cardboard box with pipe cleaner antennas, she cannot deny the fact that it is a TV. :)
2) Make fun of Nick
3) Point out how much of a cheapskate Becca is. ;)

Just kidding! About 1 and 2. Okay, before I get nasty e-mails, of course, 3 is not true. But the fact is, and she has commented on it herself, the TV in the living room does really, really suck. Big time. It's small, hard to see, and the color does weird things.

So, yes, this has been changed. I think that what I had here previously sounded too defensive (who, me?). I'm just sorry Becca took it as a personal attack; although, being someone who tends to take things personally, it's rather refreshing to see I'm not alone. ;) Plus, it is partly my fault so I can't really blame her for taking it personally. Nick and I had been harranging her about the level of suckiness of both the TV and vacuum (which worked, but literally came apart into two pieces and was missing most of its attachments), and then her grandma joined the fight on the vacuum, so poor B. was outnumbered. (Her grandma solved the debate by sending us a new vacuum.) Anyway, it's easy to see where she's coming from.

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