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black nights, white snow; | wind, wind, wind...


Love, your big sis

My grandma came through surgery okay. Thanks everyone who sent notes or made comments.

I have my truck back, so it's nice to be independant again. Especially since I still have to move all of my stuff out of the storage place. Nick's Prius that he ordered a long time ago is finally coming in and will be here in a month. He's really excited about it. I thought about it, but I'm going to hang onto my truck for a little longer; despite the fact that it takes about 18 months to make it though the waiting list, I think I'll want to keep my truck for a few more years. It is time to start at least contemplating the fact that I'll need something in a few years, but for now, I'm fine not having to deal with car payments when I have a perfectly good car (we'll just ignore the fact that I just paid $920 to have it fixed). Even for a Prius. Besides, Nick's is blue, the color I want, and we'd start to look like Camazotz if we both had blue Prius'. (What's the plural of Prius? Prii, like fungi?) He says we can share. Uh-huh.

It seems that this entry is all about Nick. Well, at the moment, his life is more exciting than mine. That's because he's getting all of these new toys. In addition to the car, he ordered a flat screen TV that arrived yesterday amidst a note left on the door for UPS and several concerned phone calls to both Becca and I about the delivery of this precious cargo. Upon arriving home around 10, he informs me that it is necessaire for him to set it up immediately, despite the fact that that means he must go to Wal-Mart and get a wall mount, and I am just going to have to deal with the noise (actually, he was very polite and asked if would be okay if he were to set it up but that's less interesting than making up something). I, on the other hand, am the owner of a brand new, um, mobile phone. Less exciting than a TV or car, but at least now Nick will stop having to make "dialing the operator" motions with my phone. Good thing he didn't see the one I had before. It was positively archaic. I suppose that I also have a new computer which counts for something, especially as it likely cost about as much as Nick's car (okay, some exaggeration.)

Becca has a TV in her room, there's one in the living room, and now one in Nick's room. Most cultures do not consider the kitchen (as well as the bathrooms and laundry room) to be actual rooms, so that leaves the dining room, the den, and my room as the only ones sans t�l�vision. And if we ever prevail upon Becca to replace the poor excuse for a TV that currently sits in the family room and move it to the den, then that means that the majority of the rooms in the house will have a TV. But not my room! Never give in! Never surrender!

It's really amazing how I can ramble on about nothing, isn't it? ;)

Two final important things are happening today - 1) West Wing season premiere (finally)!!! and 2) Astros are going to beat the Cards and go to the World Series! Ha! Take that, St. Louis!

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