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an exercise in sleep deprivation


I went waterskiing on Saturday. It was GREAT. I always forget how much I love it. Unfortunately, I also always forget how much pain I'm in the next day! On Sunday, Becca, Rachael and I did little but lay around and moan about our various aches and pains, which included some pretty decent sunburns. I have hope that I won't peel, but I'm haunted by visions of my face falling off as I walk down the aisle for my sister's wedding on Saturday. Talk about attractive!

And now it's Monday again. A combination of trying to go to bed before actually tired enough, having to get up too early, not enough sleep the night before, barking dogs, muscle pains and various other factors all resulted in one thing: I. AM. TIRED. The worst of it is not even that I have to work the night shift, but that I am not going home immediately afterwards. I wouldn't mind so much if I could be home by 10:30 and napping, but today, I'm here until at least 2 p.m. due to a variety of factors - meetings, deadlines, appointments. Tomorrow is a little better; I think I can leave immediately afterwards. Wednesday, again another looong day. Fortunately, that's my last day of working Orbit 1. And Thursday, I leave for Cali, after taking Jen and Gavin to the airport at the crack of dawn (which, for me, will constitute sleeping in).

Good news about having to work all of the extra time is that I'll have enough comp time built up that I won't have to take any vacation time for Thursday, Friday or Monday. Not that I don't have plenty to spare, and this is why.

I just keep thinking of how Sarah is already in Charlotte for her sister's wedding, taking a longer break than me, and, most importantly, is still asleep. As is the rest of the sane world. C'est la vie.

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