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if you went to uc santa cruz, you ARE one


I tried to update on Friday. Honestly. But Diaryland wasn't working, for some reason. And Saturday and Sunday I stayed as far away as possible from anyting resembling a computer.

What I was going to write about, and still am, is Whistler. I'm not going to go into the details, as Becca, Jen, Sarah, Irwin, and Nancy all gave their various perspectives on the trip. I really have nothing new, except to say that:

1) I taught Sarah to ski, and in doing so, all goals of said activity were met: she learned to ski, and in doing so, neither hates me nor the sport.

2) I tried to teach Irwin to ski. But one cannot teach someone who has a predisposed dislike of skiing. He gave up at noon, thereby enabling my friend, Beth, to have a free ticket for the afternoon.

3) Even if one doesn't suffer from motion sickness, trying to text message on a very windy road on a full stomach is not a good thing. Especially w/Becca behind the wheel. (Just kidding, but that was too good of an opportunity to pass up. I love you, B.)

4) Yes, I really did kiss a banana slug. He was crossing a trail and I was concerned for him so tried to nudge him with a stick and when that didn't work, picked him up to move him off the path; they're actually much less slimy than one might think. Trying to quiet the cries of disgust, I mentioned that this was nothing and that, as a rite of passage on a school trip in grade 7, I'd actually kissed one, obviously living to tell the tale. Of course, after such a statement and holding a member of the species in my palm, they all dared me to do it again, and so I did. More than once, actually, due to cameras going off at wrong times and several people wanting a picture.

5) There was one point where Sarah was convinced that I was going to go over a waterfall, so she stayed to watch me and scream just in case. Because, really, if I had fallen, what else could she have done?

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