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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

"Take care of the minutes, and the hours and years will take care of themselves." -Anonymous

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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i'm not irish, but kiss me anyway


Today is just one of those days; not only am I having a bad hair day, but it's a bad "body" day - my clothes don't fit correctly, I can't get my hair to do anything, I have a couple of spots that I forgot to cover-up so stand out on my face like tiny volcanoes (isn't that a pleasant image that I just planted in your brain?), and I feel off-color in general. Not tired, per se, but just off. If it wasn't that I had German tonight, I'd give up and go home. I'm not even getting that much done at work; I am being productive, but it's all in slow-motion. I have tons to do, but at the moment, I can't remember what all it is. But I am a professional! MUST. KEEP. GOING.

One good thing is that because my clothes are fitting so ill today, I'm determined to finally start getting in shape for my sister's wedding in June. I know I'm not fat or anything, but I want to look hot; right now, I'm feeling anything but. So, no more shoving my face with whatever I feel like and more exercising. Yes, I know, we'll see how long it lasts.

As part of my new-found resolve, I went to Subway for lunch and ordered a 6-grams-of-fat-or-less turkey sub (with cheese, I'll confess, but I can't give up everything). I haven't been there in ages. I can see the affect that Quizno's has had on them - they have some new options, and now toast their subs. It's great!

I know that everyone else on the trip has written about Whistler, and I haven't yet. Well. I'll get to it.

Oh, and happy St. Pat's Day, everyone!

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