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will you stay or will you go?


I happened to be walking by a TV this morning and saw the headline "Supreme Court will not Interfere in Schiavo Case". For those living under a rock, this is in reference to Terri Schiavo, who has been in a persistent vegetative state since 1990, and whose feeding tube was removed on March 18th, which, if not reinserted, will result in her evetual death.

I'm surprised that the Supreme Court not only doesn't want to get involved, but that they aren't trying to reverse the ruling by Florida Pinellas County Circuit Judge George Greer. This seems like something right up the GOP's alley.

I am surprised, and pleased.

In my humble and uninformed opinion, this seems to be less a case about Terri and more about her family and "concerned" friends' inability to let go. All that is left is her body; her spirit, her soul, all that made her Terri is gone. You learn to deal with it and move on. You don't let it take over your life, as this has for the last 15 years. 1990. That was the year my mother died. Do I miss her? Hell yeah. Have I forgotton her? No. Do I think that she would want me to have spent the last 15 years dwelling solely on my loss? Absolutely NOT. No, it's not the same thing, but it gives me a little more insight into the situation than perhaps the average Joe. I sympathize with the desire to prolong her life, but I don't agree.

Anyway. I say, let her go. Say your good-byes, let her be free, and you will be free, too.

And for the record, if I am ever in this situation, I do NOT want it to take 15 years for me to die. Remove the damn tube, donate my organs, and let me go!

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