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happy birthday to me


I've returned from dropping off Becca, Sarah, Jen and Gavin at the airport for their trip to Patagonia. They were a little bit excited. So excited, in fact, that in all of the excitement, the fact that my birthday was yesterday was overlooked. I'm hoping that I've laid the guilt on thick enough to get something pretty nice. ;)

I am kidding, of course. To be honest, I'm not expecting anything; they're very limited in souvenirs due to the fact that they have one pack each, and will have to carry, literally, whatever they buy around everywhere they go, and it looks like they'll be doing some pretty decent hiking; six days, in fact, I believe.

Furthermore, birthdays, to me, are not that big of a deal. Well, mine, anyway. I don't like fusses, and I tend to screw up surprises; two years ago is a case in point: I was in Paris and friends in Strasbourg planned a surprise for me on my return, but since I didn't know, I didn't realize that I needed to be back at a certain time, so I wasn't. Anyway, last night, I went over to my friend's house to make fun of, er, watch Survivor because astronaut Dan Barry's on there, which is what I've been doing for the previous weeks and didn't see much reason to change (the whole no fuss thing). Besides, I think that it snuck up on everyone since I was trying to be especially mum as I'd been accused of being rather loud about it last year (which, I know, goes against my whole no fuss claim, but, well, I don't know what to say about that).

I know that I've been going on about how I don't like fusses, and really, I don't. But, last night, my friends threw balloons at me when I walked in to watch Survivor in their apartment that they'd decorated for the occasion, blew noiseless noisemakers (I don't know what else to call them) and presented me with a cake. Also, I received a nice slew of congatulatory e-mails and two birthday lunches. No, I don't like fusses. At least, not big ones. Little ones like these are okay. So, thank you to everyone who made my birthday special. =)

Tonight? It's just me and four dogs. Nick left for Vegas, and as mentioned, my roommate is now winging her way to The Bottom of the World but Not Quite.

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