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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

"Take care of the minutes, and the hours and years will take care of themselves." -Anonymous

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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J'ai vingt-sept ans.

2:23 p.m.

I would like to say thank you very much for everyone who sent cards, e-mails, and presents - the In-N-Out hats are perfect, James! ;) It's very touching to know that y'all haven't forgotten about me, much less my birthday.

This weekend, Kelly and I went to Paris. It was a lot of fun. Didn't start out that way, though. Friday, we went on a school field trip to DLR and the University of Stuttgart. We had to leave at 6 AM, and it was a three-hour ride to DLR. There, we had a blessedly short and to the point lecture and movie about their rocket-testing facilities and then a tour of the site - we passed several test-firing areas and visited their mission control centers. Next, we traveled about an hour to Stuttgart where we had lunch, a couple of lectures, and then a tour of their labs. The best two were their plasma propulsion/testing lab - our guide was really cool and made the tour v. interesting - and then their student satellite lab.

We had dinner in Stuttgart and then it was back to Strasbourg. We arrived around 11. Kelly and I were planning to take the night train to Paris, which left at 12:30, assuming we made it back in time. I have to admit that I was a little disappointed that we did because when we got back at 11, I was a v. unhappy person - tried to sleep on the bus, but couldn't, and everyone else was going home to bed but I was getting on a train. Kelly's a saint for not dropping me right there.

We made the train okay, and Kelly, who didn't sleep much the night before, also didn't sleep a whole lot on the train. I didn't help. I stretched out and slept some and took up most of the bench. I don't know how she manages on so little sleep.

We arrived in Paris around 6:30 AM and called her friends, Kerstin and Leann, and went over to their dorm. They live in Paris right now, in a super-anal women's dorm that doesn't allow any visitors in the rooms. We left our bags in their room (they had to take them up) and then the four of us left for Disneyland Resort, Paris (official name).

I loved it. They had upside-down rides, and Thunder Mountain and Space Mountain were a hundred times better than either Disneyland or Disney World. Space Mountain was by far our favorite ride there. We even went on Star Tours and it was interesting hearing it all in French. So, I spent my Valentine's Day at Disneyland in Paris. Pretty good, I think.

Sunday, Kelly and I didn't make it out until around noon, and then she had some errands to run so I tagged along. We also went to the Opera House, which I'd never seen. We met up with Kerstin and Leann at a Canadian Bar and had poutine, which is french fries with gravy and cheese. I know that may sound a little gross, but it is so good and I'll be sure to make it when I get back.

Monday was my birthday. With the requiste, wow you're old, comments out of the way, Kelly and I met up with Kerstin (Leann had to work) and went to the Louvre because Kelly and I had read The DaVinici Code by Dan Brown and the Louvre is important and Kelly and I went and checked out the description on the last page for ourselves and took pictures; I don't want to give it away, but if you read it, then you'll understand. Then it was to Angelina's for 6-Euro hot chocolate. They agreed that it was worth it.

Finally, Kelly and I bought tickets and headed off to Versailles. Not until we were waiting for the train and I was reading a description did we realize that the chateau was closed on Mondays. Doh! We went anyway, and spent a couple hours walking around the grounds. It was such a nice, relaxing way to spend my birthday. I really had a great day. When we got back to the train station, Kelly managed to talk the guy into refunding our chateau tickets, so the whole trip cost us about 5 Euros each. Not bad!

On the train, I saw the mini-Statue of Liberty. Another first!

Then we headed to the train station, bought our tickets, and then some Chinese food which we ate on the train. I slept for about half the time; not surprisingly, Kelly didn't. Honestly. How does she do it??

About an hour out, I get a phone call. Turns out that some of my friends in Strasbourg had planned a quiet get-together in my honor and I didn't even have the decency to show up. I felt really, really bad as it sounded like fun and with Brooke leaving (she left yesterday to spend two weeks at home with her family), I was really disappointed that I missed it. But, when you plan surprises, these things sometimes happen.

Anyway, back at school, with lectures and exams coming up. Then, it's Module 4 which is strictly TP. And more traveling. ;) I know it sounds like that's all I do, but I manage to squeeze in a bit of studying; after all, that's why I'm here. It's just that the traveling part is more interesting to write about.

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