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when i was a little acorn, sitting on a little hill


So, I am finally coming out and admitting what many of you have long held suspicions of: I am a dumbass. There. I said it.

My truck has been costing me loads of money recently. $450 in September, $900 in October and $800 in November, all for different things. Then, just before break, the battery needle wavered a bit between half and "L", and the headlights pulsed along at the same repitition. Hmmm... Also, felt like it was difficult to force the car into 1st, 2nd and Reverse gears. So, probably a new clutch thrown into the mix. Yay. More money.

Return from Christmas, start car up, battery needle does a frantic jig, so I decide not to drive and end up mooching rides off everyone for all of last week. Take the car in yesterday, no needle movement, guy has "crazy hyperactive female doesn't drive car for two weeks than freaks out when it acts a little weird" written all over his face. Then I tell him about the lights pulsing, and voila! no longer am I crazy hyperactive female but have legitimate complaint.

Sort of.

Call this morning: "Well, couldn't find anything wrong with neither your alternator nor your clutch, but your battery's marginal, so we're going to replace that."

Doh! How dumb do I feel? All that fuss, and the only thing wrong was that I needed a new battery, something I could have dealt with myself. With some help, of course, since I probably would find a way to electrocute myself in the process, but still. Mostly myself. After all, I did change the main coolant hose after it burned through last year, and for which I am inordinately pleased with myself. (If you're counting, that's four times I've used the word "myself" in this paragraph.)

Good thing, however, is that a battery is really cheap and I don't need to replace the alternator or the clutch. Yet.

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