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one fish, two fish, three fish, dead fish


I have killed yet another fish. The first two, I take responsibility - I know Betas jump, so I should have covered the container, and with #2, when it's almost impossible to see through the coating of grime, it's more than time to clean the bowl. But this one, I don't know what happened. I just found him laying on the rocks at the bottom. Anyway. So, now I have two more - this time, females. We'll see how long they last. I haven't given them names yet, but there are a few contenders:

Sasha and Imi
Death and Doom
War and Peace
Dante and Inferno
Hades and Diablo
Thelma and Louise (of course, that had to be on the list).

Becca is still on fish #1. I sort of feel like Lisa in that one episode of "Simpsons" where she goes through five cats.

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