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i shouldn't be allowed to buy any more fish


I really don't have any luck with fish. As I said before, I take responsibility for deaths of fish #1 and #2, but not #3 and certainly not #4, who lasted all of a week. I came home last night and tried to go about my business with as little interference to Becca (stressed w/school) as possible, but when I walked into the living room, and saw #4 floating at the top of the bowl with fish #5 swimming merrily around it, poking it occasionally, I couldn't help but yell out, "Becca, I lost ANOTHER fish." I think maybe #5 killed it. SIGH.

Maybe they have the avian flu... Thanks to Sundy for this.

The Center for Disease Control has released a list of symptoms of bird flu. If you experience any of the following, please seek medical treatment immediately:
1. High fever
2. Congestion
3. Nausea
4. Fatigue
5. Aching in the joints
6. An irresistible urge to poop on someone's windshield.

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