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you don't want to be around me when i'm hungry


Sometimes my office can get pretty silly. The more stressed we are, the more silly it can be. So far today, we've talked about breastfeeding, striped shirts (I've been told by two separate people that I look "very stripey today"), geckos, train wrecks, various types of food, misusing the word "hungry" instead of "angry", Seinfeld, moving to Germany, pockets, and long daylight hours (today is the summer solstice), among other topics. People have walked around like a pigeon, demonstrated the barnyard dance, done the John Travolta Saturday Night Fever pose, and other "if-only-we-had-video" moments. Out of all of this, I've learned two new factoids:

1) Sometimes in shorts you'll notice that the back pockets are sewn shut. I'm not talking about the fake pockets that only give the appearance of one. I've recently seen shorts that actually have real pockets, but they're sewn shut at the top. Why put the fabric there for a pocket, if you're just going to sew it shut? Apparently, it's done that way to hang better and you're supposed to rip open the top. Did not know that.

2) The produce code for bananas is 4011. The produce codes are the same from store to store, and bananas are 4011, and are used as the example on the self check-out lines. I bet that the next time you go to the grocery store, you're going to notice that now. I know I will.

3) Apparently, my "official" occupation title is "Aerospace Technician (AST)". I've been working here for a long now and I didn't know that?

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