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making a liar out of me


Today is the 64th anniversary of D-Day, the day that changed WWII. I think a lot of people forget, but as I was driving into work this morning, one of the country stations that I listen to talked about it and played a short tribute. It's good to see that the date, and what it means, is still remembered.


I have been telling everyone that I am not working STS-124, and I'm not, despite appearances. I did go in on Monday to support an ATV activity related to the shuttle docking. I was covering for someone else and spent maybe two or three hours there, the full duration of my support for the mission. My timing coincided with the mission photographer making the rounds, and this is the result:

I am happy that I finally have a half-way decent picture of me working console - even if it is a bit ill-gotten :) - and also that C. has a picture other than this one to show his friends. My friend sitting next to me was trying to make me laugh, but, steely-eyed missile woman that I am, I managed to keep focused on the very important, mission-critical task at hand: checking my e-mail (kidding).

Speaking of the mission, however, here are some very cool (if you're a space geek) links for real-time satellite tracking, including the orbiter. And these were sent by Becca, some excellent Solid Rocket Booster (SRB) videos from STS-124. My contribution to interesting mission items, since Becca and Sarah are usually much more on top of posting about launches and dockings and such than I. Not sure why B. didn't just post them on her blog, unless it's because she's actually working the mission; regardless, I'm finally doing something first.

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