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an ode to february 15th


I feel sorry for February 15th. Poor day, coming after the hype and pomp of VALENTINE'S DAY. Not even the day after Christmas is so neglected - at least that's designated as Boxing Day. And January 2nd, still part of the New Year, so still interesting. But not February 15th. In fact, not only is it neglected, but downright scorned; if you forgot to get your sweetie something on V-Day, and try to make it up the day after, yeah - ain't gonna get you outta the dog house.

Sho heresh a drinking to you, day afta Valentine'sh Day!

My class has been canceled for tonight. I drove Becca and I today, so I'm still going to go down to Rice and drop her off at her class and go run an errand. I'm not telling what, but it's crucial for tommorrow. And it's fun to drive Becca crazy by not telling her my secret errand. (Okay, so I'm sure Becca could care less if I tell her or not - she hasn't once asked what it is - but it's loads more fun for me if I think it's driving her crazy.) On the way back to pick her up, I'm going to stop at Nico Nico's, a popular Greek restaurant on Montrose and get us some yummy Greek food.

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