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c is for cookie, that's good enough for me...


Last night, Becca decided to bake chocolate chip cookies. Just before she added the chocolate chips, I wandered over to snag a spoonful of dough. Eyeing the goo doubtfully, but not wanting to say anything, Becca sheepishly admitted that it was still "pretty liquidy" and wasn't sure why. She then dumped in some more flour. Or rather, what she thought was flour.

Cooking is Becca's forte. Baking, not so much. That's more my area. She freely admits that before university, she didn't realize that cookies came out of anything other than a tube. So to her, the subtleties of difference of appearance between flour and powdered sugar are not as readily apparent as they are to me, who, in addition to using it in baking, had powdered sugar and strawberries as a rare and special treat as a child (only the best thing EVER). Fortunately, she hadn't added the chips yet, and there were enough ingredients to try again (certainly plenty of flour); this time, with more success.

Still, I couldn't help giggling for the rest of the night.

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