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standing on uncertain ground - literally


Wow. This is worthy of a brand new blog entry (I already wrote one earlier today). We just had an announcement in German come over the loud-speaker. I understood a little bit of it - "attention, attention", "bomb" (!), "buildings X, X, ...", "12:45". Um... When they said "bomb", I looked over at Sabine and she made a motion to show that it was okay. Turns out, they found a bomb while digging onsite for construction. As in, onsite EADS. As in, where I work. Apparently, unearthing bombs in the middle of construction projects (buildings, roads, tunnels, etc.) is not that unusual. She said that they find one about every one to two weeks. There is a special team whose only job at EADS is to detonate these bombs, which they will be doing in a building and the announcement was to tell everyone in the neighboring buildings to leave, and that we weren't allowed outside on the premises past 12:45 until they were finished (about 2:00 p.m.).

Amazing. Certainly don't have anything like this in the US! I think what is most interesting is just how nonchalant Sabine is about it all. Like it's not a big deal. Which, to them, it's not. She said that noone has ever been injured.

Oh, the joys of living in a country in which a war was fought.


I stole this picture from Beth's set of pictures (my camera had died by this time). This is us at the Berlin Wall on the much-more-pleasant Sunday. Check out some of her other Berlin pictures.

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