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La Ville d'Amour

4:53 p.m.

I've forgotten another birthday: Aaron's. His was on the 2nd of February. So, happy belated birthday.

Tommorrow we are going to DLR in Lampoldshausen, Germany (about 1.5 hours out of Stuttgart) and then to the University of Stuttgart. We have to leave at the ungodly hour of 6 AM. Blech.

We arrive back in Strasbourg at 11 PM. Most people will be heading back to their apartments, but not Kelly and I. No, we'll be on the midnight train to Paris. Why, you ask. Well, I'll tell you. See, Kelly wants to go to EuroDisney. As do I. So, that's why. It's going to be crazy. We don't even have a place to stay Saturday night, and it's Valentine's Day and all. Sunday, Kelly has some stuff to do in town and Brooke wants me to pick up some things, so we'll just bum around. We may or may not come back that night, which means that I'd get to spend my birthday in Paris. That would be awesome.

I love traveling like this - no plan, no place to stay. Kelly, being one of the coolest people I know, always has adventures. Her adventure in Switzerland, for example: didn't have a place to stay one night so walked 30 km to the next town with someone she'd just met and then convinced some random lady to let them exercise her horses by riding them into town. How, I don't know. Especially since she neither speaks nor understands German. Kelly understands French fluently and speaks it much better than she gives herself credit for, but not German.

See what I mean? That's typical Kelly. I'm v. boring compared to her.

So, happy Valentine's Day to everyone out there. Hope it's lovely.

Website for the day: Celtic music on the BBC radio (click on "Listen Again"). Ren� was playing it in the other room, which is how I discovered it. I love Celtic music.

1.28096 USD to the Euro. Why why why.

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