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Does life exist?

6:34 p.m.

So, just had exam 1 of 2. Wow. I don't even know why I studied, and as of now, have no plans to study for Module 3 exam because the amount I study is inversely proportional to how well I do. I feel even worse about this one than I did last module's, and I didn't do very well on that one, so can only imagine how this will turn out.

I know the four sources of heat that a spacecraft experiences, AND the amount! I can tell you the building blocks of life. I even know how to describe life (as it is given according to one of our professors) and what is required for it to exist. I know the five conditions of the General Liability Regime, and how that is different than the 1972 Convention for International Liability on Damage caused by Space Objects.

But I don't know what a business plan is. Nor can I remember the evidences of life that were claimed to be present in the famous Alan Hills meteoite from Mars.

Ah well, it's over.

Some are talking about going to see Return of the King this evening at 9. Not sure about going to see a 3.5-hour long movie, even if it is LOTR and received glowing reviews from Becca because 1) still rather frazzled from the exam and 2) part 2 is tomorrow at 9 AM.

So, maybe the unexamined life isn't worth living, but a life without examinations would be okay with me.

Well, off to dinner. That's a bright spot.

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