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From the Earth to the Moon...and beyond...

5:46 p.m.

I woke up this morning and my only thought about it being December 17th meant that it was my last day to study for the tests tomorrow and Friday. Not a happy thought. Then, I read my JSC e-mail and about all of the events commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Wright Brothers' flights at Kitty Hawk. So, oh yeah, 100 years ago today began the era of heavier-than-air flying machines. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any really good articles or anything about the festivities, and the rumors about Bush announcing a return to the moon are apparently unfounded, according to Becca's and Sarah's entries. It would have been nice, and very appropriate for today, if we had some bold, new vision, especially with NASA still receiving a lot of criticism about Columbia and all.

You would think that there might have been some good stories about today, what with the impact that the airplane has made on our lives. Not so much. However, the AIAA Evolution of Flight website is pretty good. It includes a link to Inventing Flight which was in Dayton, Ohio in July at which I represented JSC. (The link isn't working right now, and I don't know if it's down for good or not.)

And Google has a cool logo just for today. Yay for Google.

Last night, a group of us were going to take a break from studying and go see Le Seigneur des Anneaux: Le Retour du Roi, which, as you can probably figure out, is Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. However, by the time Mark and Ollie went to get tickets, there were only two seats left. Mark said that a lot of people were dressed up and that the whole Dungeons and Dragons contingent was out in force. Guess that craziness is not limited to Americans. We were going to go today, but the studying is not going so well so that's out. Maybe Friday, or Saturday. We'll see.

6:27 p.m.

James just sent me this cartoon and I think it's appropriate. To give proper reference, it's an editorial cartoon from Florida Today. At least they have some articles about today, and space, too. Happy 100th Anniversary!

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