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i, heart


I forgot to mention that Becca is really cool for bringing me a chai yesterday, to help me make it through my shift. Oh, I could really use another today... Too bad that Starbucks, unlike Tim Hortons, is not open 24/7. Sigh. But, three shifts down (almost), two to go.

Yesterday, I hung out with Will again. We went and saw I Heart Huckabees. It's very quirky, and Joe Baltake of the Sacramento Bee, my hometown newspaper, commented, "Don't think about this loony metaphysical comedy too much. Just go with it and, chances are, you'll get it." Hee hee. Either you get it, or you don't. You love it or you hate it. You think it's a smart, sly movie, or the most inane drivel ever. I do have to say that American Jude Law not quite as sexy as British Jude Law; although, fortunately, it wasn't perfect and occasionally his accent would slip through. Mmm, Jude Law. I liked the movie a lot. It was silly and intense and witty and pointless and meaningful and obnoxious and enchanting and...

...and I'm going home in 2.5 hours. :) I am so low on sleep. He who doth dare awaken the beast afore the sixteenth hour of this day shall suffereth the consequences! Thou art warned! Beware!

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