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'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!'

12:39 p.m.

There are now tall white poles in the square outside of my flat, with large white snowflakes on the top. There's also lights hanging from trees and strung between the narrow streets, but they have yet to be lit. I'm guessing that it's because they're not done as more and more lights and decorations keep showing up; there's now a HUGE Christmas tree in the middle of Place Kleber, which is near me. Supposedly, Strasbourg is the center of Christmas in Europe, and it's my guess that Place Broglie (where I live) is going to be the hub of that. Goodness. It's going to be crazy! I've heard that at the height, I won't even be able to step out of my building.

Brooke is extremely excited about Christmas. Since there's no Thanksgiving over here, Christmas has been popping up since the beginning of November. This last weekend, Brooke decorated her apartment with lights, a star garland, candles, and even a little Christmas tree nicked from Norway. It's really cool.

This morning, my tram almost hit a car. It was the car's fault because he pulled right in front of the tram, and the tram driver braked so quickly that we were all thrown violently forward. Drama! Several of my classmates have been on a tram that hit a group of people (a few of whom even died) and several others have been on various trams whom cars have hit. From what I've seen, I doubt that it would be the tram drivers' fault as they ring like mad going though intersections and stops and will stop and slow down if they think that there's any obstruction, yet people and cars always dart in front of them. It's like running in front of a train. Not exactly the smartest idea.

Last night Bhavs and I went running, and ran (okay, ran/walked) further than I expected; probably around 5K or so. We are going to try and do it several times a week

Debbie sent me this Geek test. I scored a 28% so I am a "Total Geek". Hmm... not sure what I think about that. One thing's for sure, the answer is ALWAYS 42! Okay, so maybe I really am a geek.

5:17 p.m.

If you are a space geek like me and want a laugh, here's a fun website which "proves" that NASA faked the Moon landings. (It's kind of hard to tell, but the blue thing in the last picture is a flying pig.)

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