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Girls Rule!

5:53 p.m.

So I promised Switzerland and/or Barcelona/Madrid. Call me a liar. I don't have time for that. All I have time for is to talk about how DIRTY I am right now because we just kicked the guys butts in soccer!!! It rocked, especially after having played (and sucked royally) in American football. There were about 20 of us playing football, and I may as well not have because I was invisible. If you've seen The Princess Diaries where she complains that she's so invisible that someone sat on her on the subway, again, then that's how I felt today. Someone, on MY team, actually tried to throw the football through me. Not TO me, but THROUGH me. Through my head, to be exact. Nice.

It was starting to get dark and I was complaining more and more loudly about not getting to play soccer before it got too dark. So, finally, we ended the game, most people headed home, but 10 of us (5 girls and 5 boys) stayed to play soccer and we played boys on girls and beat them by quite a lot. It was GREAT. I'm not sure how much the guys were holding back, if any, but I do know that it was definitely less towards the end of the game because they realized pretty quickly that we weren't holding back. I think that we surprised them. Regardless, we still won. So, at least the evening ended on a high note.

I even slide tackled several times, albeit unintentionally because we were playing in the rain on slick ground, and now I'm covered in mud. But that's half the fun.

Now, I'm going to go home, take a shower, and then head over to Brooke's for hot chocolate. Mmm! Tomorrow, Bhavs and I are going to start running because we need to lose weight (I don't think that she does, but I do), a problem that the guys do NOT seem to be having!!!

Oh yeah, today Brooke, Ruey, Doug, Nick, and I went to church and afterwards, they let Ruey and I sit down at the piano and play around. Ruey is really good at improv and made up some song that sounded really beautiful. I played a little of this and that which I had memorized, but not much. It was really nice to touch piano keys again, though! The church was okay, but they're one of those touchy-feely let's-all-be-great-friends churches and I'm not used to nor really comfortable with that.

Becca and Sarah had this animated spoof about the end of the world by nuclear war. I thought it hilarious, but don't watch it if you have delicate sensibilities because it is extremely politically incorrect!

I'm a bad NASA employee because it's taken me this long to brag about how NASA has been rated the Best Federal Agency to work at. How cool is that? If you want to see what all is included, click here, then click on "Federal Agency" and NASA is #1!

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