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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

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Boys are stupid

11:45 a.m.

The blogging disease is spreading! When I came here, it was just Becca and Sarah from back home. (That I know of, anyway; if you've started one and want me to link to it, let me know and I'll be glad to do so!) Then, I found out that Beth, Fabio (who, by the way, has the theme song from Enterprise - "Faith of the Heart" - as the soundtrack to his webpage), and Will had pages, and Nick started one. Now, both Margot and Brooke have just started one, too. Yay! I'm the only one (over here) who uses Diaryland; all the rest use Blogger. Of course, it doesn't help that people keep thinking that it says Dairyland instead of Diaryland. Hmph.

I love this picture. It rocks (pun intended).

We had to do a workshop yesterday in which we determined the basics of a settlement on Mars in the year 2050 that was based on a common goal of establishing a school like ISU, with a fair amount of emphasis placed on government. The population was given as 50,000 people and Will and Nick�s initial idea was to not have a government at all, but send them and 49,998 Swedish models and see what happens. (My thoughts? See above picture.) My initial idea was to use the Magic Eight Ball, but Doug pointed out that maybe it wouldn't work so well on Mars. So, instead, what we ended up with was the �Planetary Probability Parliament� in which people were chosen at random. Actual organization. How boring. Kelly said that the above picture should have been our motto for the system of government, and that probably would have been a good idea; I would like to point out that the group that was unable to come to any sort of decision did not have a single girl in it. Take that. Rawr.

I guess that I should mention that when I was about 2 or so, the eldest son of close family friends, Victor (of Love or Money 2 fame), who would have been about 1-1/2 years old, threw a rock at me and hit me in the head. Explains a lot about me, doesn't it? I guess he just misunderstood the universal truth that boys are stupid, not girls. Which exactly proves my point.

This evening, the European Parliament at Strasbourg is open from 5 to midnight. After our run, Bhavs and I are going to go. It will be interesting, I think.

This is a direct quote (used with permission) from an e-mail that Brooke sent to her friends back home regarding their roadtrip and which she forwarded onto me. Since I think that it not only gives an idea of the insanity of their journey, but also of Brooke's personality in general, here it is (the picture is from our trip to Mont Sainte Odile about a month ago so that you can see what she looks like and get an idea of just how adventurous she is):

"So I went on the most amazing roadtrip, but am still working on writing the story. So, this trip, this story of a lifetime was one of the cooler things I've done. I love telling the story in person, but for now this world's-longest run-on sentence of a thesis statement of my adventure will have to suffice. Just try and imagine me animated, forgetting to breathe and gesturing wildly. Take a breath. Go...

So I'm still working on the official party line, but I will give you the insider's scoop and tell you that we not only drove through 10 countries without international driver's licenses in a rental car that was effectively stolen in Amsterdam during a lunar eclipse before we taught will to drive stick on the longest bridge in the Netherlands then onto a cruiseship that took us to Norway, onto a towtruck, through the fjords, into sweden across germany clipping austria and into Lichtestien to storm the castle and make "Jackass" (the mtv show) video clips involving a car and people running then busting out of a black tunnel with christmas tunes jamming in the background into the austrian alps hearalded by a crazy deep blue fog that parted as we discover snow is all around us then decide to go to Italy on a whim winding down through the vineyards and castled countrysides realizing that Italians suck at driving and the road sign industry somehow eluded them still miraculously arriving in venice by nightfall to run (literally) Rocky-style up and over the canals onto private gondalas and markets pausing only to view the lunar reflections on the luminous canals before beginnning our run back to the car that was illegally parked in front of the police station to make our getaway and head back to strasbourg via the Swiss alps getting lost only 3 times enroute due to abandoned roads on which locals feared to tread but the fearless trogdor traversed with ease pausing briefly to drool over the drooping big dipper dangling over icy alps before switching drivers twice and finally breaking into auchan (mall in strasbourg) for fuel at T- 3hours til classtime.."

Lunch time! Gotta go have my sandwich volaille! (It's chicken salad, but we call it "chicken mush" because it's not very chunky, although it's still really good). Then back here because we have to practice for our Team Project presentations this afternoon. I guess that I never talked about that, did I? I never do talk about my classes. Okay, here it is in a nutshell: basically, we've split up into two teams. The TP1 team is working on a global mobile internet system, and we (TP2) are designing a manned mission to Titan and Europa.

By the way, our webpage has been designed by Nick, as well as our class' homepage. I think that he's done a really great job, considering that a few weeks ago, he didn't know anything about HTML!

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