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when good friends go bad


Kelly's birthday was two days ago, and being the bad friend I am, I am not saying anything about it until now. In my defense, I haven't updated until now, partly out of lack of things to say (other than Happy Birthday), lack of sense, lack of time and, um, I don't know. So, anyway, happy birthday, Kelly. I remember driving through Italy with you this time last year, spending your birthday in Cinque Terre, then driving to Rome, stopping to push over the Leaning Tower of Pisa on the way, and wandering around Vatican City in the middle of the night, laughing at the funny-looking Swiss Guard who suprised us. We should do that again sometime.

As it turns out, August 15th was also Kelly Jacikas' birthday, Katie's sister. Two Kellys in one day. Impressive. Happy Birthday to that Kelly, too. :)

Best quote of the day, from a manager to a newly promoted one: "You're moving to the darkside; you used to wear all of these pastel suits, and now you're all in black."

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