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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

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Thursday night I went with Jen, Gavin and Bini to assemble bikes (which, apparently, is different and less cool than building bikes, as I've been so informed). I will describe the two pairs (J and G, me and B), and those who know should easily pick out which one applies to whom.

Pair #1: Super speedy, no talking, each person has assigned tasks.

Pair #2: Chatty, slower, each does a little of everything, not always assembling the parts correctly the first time, dropping pieces on the floor.

Anyway, it was fun. On the way back, it was decided to leave my car onsite and to carpool in w/J and G in the morning. So, Friday morning, I get up at 7 and am ready in plenty of time when they come to get me at 7:30. Make it to work without incident, where I'm on-time for my Russian placement exam, followed by my console proficiency review, both of which I ace without any problem.

Oh, and did I mention that I exercised my pet unicorn before work?

If you believe in String Theory, that multiple parallel universes exist, it is likely that there is such a universe where a collected, ready, prepared me exists, as do unicorns. But not in this universe. And not in this universe did driving to work go as smoothly. First, I woke up at 7:25. Managed frantically to get ready, so was pretty close to walking out the door when J & G arrive. Then, realize don't know where my badge is; it's not where I usually put it. In fact, can't find it at all. Oh well - just drop me off at security and I'll get a temp badge. Hmm, except, need licence for identification, which is in my book bag, which is in my car, which is on-site, which I can't get to w/o aforementioned badge.

Unable to convince security into believing that I am who I say I am w/o picture ID, so G & J v. kindly offer to take my keys to get the bag with my license out of my car and bring it back to me so that I can get a temp badge. Fortunately, they are highly amused by all of this, and not annoyed. Then Becca calls - "Cari, your badge is on the table. Would you like me to bring it in for you?" Hmph. I looked on the table! It was not there. Argh.

Anyway, late for my exam, which I screwed up on (but not too badly, methinks). Console proficiency, enh. I passed.

I really am, or rather my life is, a comedy of errors, sometimes.

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