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'Just call out my name, and you know, wherever I am | I'll come running, just to see you again...'

1:40 p.m.

I wake up to the annoying (but often welcome, because it means visitors) buzz that signals someone downstairs wants in. Groggily, I stumble to the phone and mutter, 'Bonjour'. Some incomprehensible French at the other end and then I, in what I am sure is the height of language butchering, ask the voice to repeat, please, he is speaking to fast. Ah, the good ol' American accent. Always kicks in. Immediately, the voice repeats, in English, 'I have a package for you.' Grrr... Why couldn't I understand that? V. happy about package, v. upset about inability to comprehend so simple a statement, even if I have just woken up. But excited because of the package. And that I was home so did not have to go to the Post Office to get it.

On a side note, it seems that I go through phases. There'll be days when I can have entire conversations in French, and actually understand them and am understood, despite not knowing each individual word. Then, there are days when I can't even remember the words for 'water' or 'dog'. I'm serious; I actually forgot 'chien' once.

Anyway, kudos to Becca, James, Sundy, Debbie, Kennday, Nick, Curt, and Sarah. You guys ROCK. So so SO excited, and immediately, instead of heading off to school and stuyding like a good girl, I sat down and went through the package. Some very funny comments, magazines, cute cards, nice presents, including lots and lots of candy, play-doh, a Yoda action figure, and toy secret-agent stuff. Awesome! So far, must admit that my favorite is the deoderant which was wrapped in brown paper and had 'You are American. Don't be afraid to smell like one.' written on it.

Oh yeah, last night, we were going to go to the Mexican restaurant for a break but it was full so some of us went to a pizza/pasta place next door that turned out to be quite nice, despite the fact that the scary lady who lives on my floor and yelled at me and Nick my second day in the building works there.

7:41 p.m.

I took the candy (after removing all of the York peppermint patties; I refuse to share those) over to Will's for our study group. It was a big hit, the chocolate-covered Oreos most of all, and the candy corn raised a lot of interest as all of the non-North Americans took one look and went, 'What the heck is THAT?'. Becca included a Flying magazine for Brooke, who went into raptures and swears that she'll wait until Friday to read it, but I have my doubts. :)

And it is 1.23089 USD to the Euro today. Oh, the travesty of it all.

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