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have a nice day


Correction from yesterday's entry: Kelly is not the queen of awesome. I made it all up. In all actuality, she is an evil, mean person who doesn't send out packages. So, don't be expecting any from her. ;)

Yesterday, Will came over and we hung out for a bit before going to dinner with Becca, Sarah, and Will's friend, Paul. It was so nice to see Will again! He has been formally offered two positions at JSC, and one at a consulting company in DC. I really hope that he ends up here; it would be so much fun to have him around. He leaves tomorrow, so today we're going to play a bit more after I'm off shift (10:30).

I received some bad news yesterday from the JSC clinic. Nothing major, just an elevated level of white blood cells in my labs, which are indicative of my body fighting some infection/sickness. Only thing is, I'm perfectly healthy, as far as I know. It's an annoyance more than anything, as now I have to find a primary care doctor and have more tests, which will likely come out normal and will then be sent back to the clinic here as proof that they are insane. I hate doctors. Well, not really, I just hate going to doctors. Yuck. After telling me this, the nurse said, "Have a nice day". Why, why do they always do that? "You're labs are abnormal, you probably have some horrid, unknown disease and are going to drop dead any second, but hey, have a great day, alright?" Yeah, okay, no problem. Thanks.


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