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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

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"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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peaches for me | peaches for free


This weekend, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. A little bit of organizing, a little bit of lounging. A little bit of soccer, a little bit of playing with my fancy shmancy camera (yes, Sarah, really). A little bit of going out, a little bit of listening to Becca wander around the house singing a silly song about peaches and then being forced to sit on the couch and listen to the entire version. Is it any wonder that after that, I decided to end it all by drinking bath gel? Okay, so I might be making that last bit up. The part about ending it all, not the part about drinking bath gel. It was green. I thought it was mouthwash. I don't recommend it. Isn't it comforting that it is people like me who are running our nation's space program?

AND SOMEBODY IS IN TOWN THIS WEEKEND WHO DIDN'T CALL AND I AM VERY UPSET WITH YOU. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. And yes, I did just put that out there for all and sundry to read.

Have a good day!

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