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here's hoping


Today has all of the makings of a good day.

It's Friday.
It's payday.
It's an unheard of 66F (~19C) outside. In Houston.
It actually feels like fall.
It's a half-day for me, if I have anything to say about it.

Oh, and if you're not quite convinced about Serenity, check out the first nine minutes of the movie. Go see it, people! We want sequels!!!

Hopefully, the movie does well in its crucial second weekend, and, hopefully, my day goes as well as promised.


It was a beautiful day outside. Or so I've heard. I need to learn that when I actually say that I'm going to do a half-day, what the Forces That Be understand is a full-day-plus-half, because that's what seems to ALWAYS happen. ALWAYS. I had wanted to leave no later than 1 p.m.; I am finally ready to go, and it is now just shy of 8 p.m. So much for that!

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