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nobody knows my name


It seems that my name is impossible to spell correctly. It's CARI ANNE. There's another girl in my office who spells it Carie, and so, mine usually ends up like that. I actually like it better, but, it's not my name. And I just received a wedding invitation, from my own family, who spelled it Cari Ann. Again, CARI ANNE. This is coming from they who named me in the first place. We Annes-with-an-E are very possessive about that e. Anne of Green Gables was, too, and I sympathized completely when I read that. Aha, vindication! It's in print! And everyone knows that if it's in a book, it's true. I just ignore that whole "fiction" part. Annoyingly in the way and all.

Not that I can really say much, even though I just did, because for a span of about five years, I spelled it Kari. I even tried Cary once, before I knew better. I have never really liked the spelling of my name. And it doesn't help that, often, the "i" at the end gets mistaken for an "l". Yes, that's right. Carl.

I am finding it extremely hard to work today. I have stuff to do, and it's even fairly interesting, I just don't want to do it. Motivation level is very low.

So, I was lucky enough to (not) participate in this thing, this secret, this mystery event which did (not) happen on Sunday, and which everyone is (not) talking about. Apparently, it really is more of a secret than we all thought because I was talking to a friend today and she is sooooooooooo excited about when she, and everyone else, finally gets to join in. And she didn't know that some people, including yours truly, had already done it. So hard to not say anything! So hard! I said that next time I see her (which won't be for a week or so) to let me know what she thought. Well, probably won't see you before you [get to do this thing]. Er, no, because I already did it. That's what I was thinking, but didn't actually say it. Very hard.


Oooh, ice cream!

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