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friday the 13th is still friday


Happy Friday the 13th, everyone! If you think you've had a run of bad luck due to the day, read this.

Get used to looking at that, by the way, until I get around to updating again sometime in, oh, let's say the next century, just to be safe.

My life summed up: work. I mean, after all, it's nearly 6 p.m. on Friday and I'm still here. As for why, well, everyone's heard of the snowball effect, right? Well, I inadvertantly started a snowball about three-and-a-half months ago and didn't realize it until this week; last two days, to be exact, when the snowball, now a towering sphere, completely blindsided me. However, HOPEFULLY, I think I've smushed it. That's the one nice thing about snow - it melts. And let me tell you, next time that I have to publish a databook (which is what all of this fuss is about), I'll know exactly what to do.

That's reason 47 why I don't like my job.

But here's reason 158295675 why I do - I get to play in Space Shuttle mock-ups. My job is cooler than yours!

Oh yeah, and Sarah got a dog. Yay for Sarah! His name is Leo (short for Napolean; the whole little dog/big name thing), he's really cute, and he's staying with us for the weekend. Poor dog; Bennet and Apache are a lot to take.

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