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Yesterday was my birthday. I had planned to find some trails around Houston (difficult, but possible) on which to go hiking with Bennet, maybe stop in at work for an hour or two, and be home by two for the garbage disposal guy. I woke up at seven and realized that I wasn't going anywhere that day - stuffy, sneezing, coughing me was staying put in bed. I finally dragged myself out to the living room around 11. When Becca came home, she made poutine, my birthday dinner of choice, so the day wasn't a total wash, but it is pretty sucky being sick on one's birthday, especially when it was so very beautiful outside! Thanks, everyone, for the birthday wishes. It's nice to know that I have so many friends.

Now, Becca and I are sitting in the Continental President's Club (she had two day passes). I have to say, this is a pretty sweet place. Comfortable chairs, free wireless, snacks, quiet, copious outlets, even showers and a cash bar. Without the passes, it's not cheap. They also announce all of the Continental flights so that you don't have to ever go down and wait in the main seating areas with the little lowly mortals. We're killing time until our flight to Denver in a few hours, where we will be spending the next week skiing. Woohoo!! I'll be skiing five days and snowboarding one. Wow, that's a lot of money, and a lot of skiing. I hope that I'm on the downhill swing of this cold and can survive the week. I may need another vacation to recover from this one!

But now, dahlings, if you'll excuse me, I have to go get some more tea.

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