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he who laughs last, laughs, well, last


Oofta. I am tiiiiiiiiiiired. I didn't sleep well Tuesday night, and then was up from 10a.m. - 5 a.m. (most of that spent at work), slept for four hours, and now I'm back at work for another seven. I haven't done this since college. I'm sucking down tea, especially since I have a cough. This is not good, as I'm going skiing next week and I've already bought my very expensive and non-refundable lift tickets. Hopefully, between Nyquil, Dayquil and a plan to sleep straight from 3 p.m. today until 7 a.m. tomorrow will help knock this thing out before it actually becomes something. Of course, it's my own fault - I teased Jen about her usual deathly-ill-just-before-a-trip trick. Now, she and Gavin are mostly recovered and who's the one with the (possible) cold?

Plan for tomorrow - my big THREE OH (yes, yes, I'm OLD): take Bennet on a hike in the morning, go to work for a few hours in the early afternoon, home for the disposal guy. That last part may not sound like fun, but being able to use the garbage disposal again isn't a bad birthday present.

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