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"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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"It won't be a stylish marraige..."

1:19 p.m.

I may never get married, but at least, I can never complain that I have not had the chance. At the ripe ol' age of 26, I have been, more or less, proposed to three times in just over two years. Now, how many girls can say that?

However, I feel the need, not for speed, but rather, to explain, especially that "more or less" bit.

The first was in a letter, in which the author called me his "heart's desire" and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. The second and third are along the same lines: I have been informed that upon reaching a certain age, if neither of us are married, then we shall marry each other. For the first of these two "proposals", the age is 30. For the third, received just this past Friday, the respective ages for us were initially 53 for me and 50 for him, which were then ammended to 63 and 60, as he might not be quite that desperate at 50. ;) So, there it be. The state of my love life: back-ups for not one but TWO guys. What a lucky gal I am.

Just finished watching Apollo 13 again. Love it love it love it!!! Now, it's Space Cowboys. Talk about a letdown, although it's always fun to see JSC in the movies, and right now, that's about as close as I can get to it!

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