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justice is served


You know how sometimes when you're driving and you see someone out there being a total jerk? You think, man, if ONLY there was a cop around! He'd get it for sure. And there never is. Fate doesn't seem to care about fairness, because you do ONE little thing, like, turn right on a red that was never a "No Right Turn on Red" before and Mr. Policeman is RIGHT THERE? Yeah. So much for karma.

There is a four-way stop in our neighborhood and it's a popular hide-out place for the local police force, as several acquaintances know quite well. Today, I pulled up to the stop sign to turn left. There was a car to my left that just beat me to the line, so I waited. The car in the lane next to him, who pulled up after I did, also went. Okay, I've done that myself. No biggie. They both start crossing, when a big, white Suburban speeds across the intersection right behind them. I'm not entirely sure he slowed down at all. Grumbling to myself, stupid idiot, where are the police when you need them, I made my way across. As I was turning, I caught a glimpse out of the corner of my eye of a police cruiser screaming through the intersection in the direction of the Suburban. Didn't see the lights, but I have no doubt that he was going after the SUV.

A lot of times, if I see a car pulled over, I've felt sympathy - yeah, been there myself, man. But not today. Because today, today justice was served. Aws yeah.

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