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frankensteeeeen, not frankenstein!!


There's an off-site building that I visit a lot, at least once a week, sometimes once a day, sometimes several times a day. Since I didn't have the proper badging, I had to sign in and sign out each time, and it's not just a matter of my name - date, time in/out, signature, citizenship, if the visit is classified, who I'm visiting, their phone number... SO annoying!

I finally convinced my management that I needed that badge, and today, on my first visit (of three), I got it. I try to look halfway decent for these photos; like passport photos, they tend to be rather unflattering so I do what I can to mitigate. As part of my outfit this morning, I wore a pretty, new necklace with large blue, green and clear beads. The photographer showed me the picture, offering to retake it if I wanted. It looked fine...on the screen. What I have on my badge is very different - so washed out that only the dark beads of the necklace show up. It's a small picture, too, so can't even tell that it's a necklace. No, it looks like my head is sown onto my body with big, sloppy stitches like some Halowe'en costume.

I am the Frankenstein monster!! Bwahaha!!

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