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a glimpse into the (possible) future


Last night, I had my first taste of motherhood, and I have to say, it was a bit unnerving.

I babysat a six-week-old (not the youngest ever, but close to it) who was being particularly fussy. I had her for roughly four hours and for at least half of the time, she was crying for some reason or other - hungry, dropped her pacifier, or I was sitting down (silly me, sitting down! what was I thinking??). However, the crying didn't bother me at all; I mean, I did what I could to rectify whatever the problem was, but it didn't get to me. No, what did get to me was the not crying. She finally went down about 9:45 p.m., 45 minutes before Ma and Da came home. About 10:15, with nary a peep on the baby monitor, I started worrying - what's wrong? Is she okay? Did I swaddle her too tightly and somehow smother her? And for the record, yes, I did go back up and check on her just to make sure; I put my hand on her and she rolled her head (without waking up, fortunately). Phew! She's fine.

Is that what motherhood is like? The constant worry? I worry enough with out kids. And it wasn't even my kid!! Becca said that she has heard of mothers who've woken up their sleeping children just to make sure they were still breathing. So, maybe I am not so crazy. At least, not in that respect. ;)

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