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finally getting to wear my scarf


I'm finally going to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix this afternoon, at the IMAX, no less, with two girlfriends of mine. We're going to make an evening of it, skipping out on work (see, Debbie, I at least am keeping tradition ;) with a late afternoon showing and then dinner somewhere downtown. I was going to go last weekend, but then I-10 was closed. Plus, I really want to wear the scarf I made, and I realized that if I went alone, I'd look like a total loser wearing my (Philospher's Stone/Chamber of Secrets) Gryffindor scarf, as modeled below by a young Daniel Radcliffe:

And I really want to wear the scarf.

Of course, I'll still look like a loser, but at least a loser with friends.

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