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hmm, that's interesting


Words you never want to hear your doctor say.

I went to my podiatrist yesterday, and actually didn't even need a ride as I handled the stitch removal just fine (more of a snip at both ends and the rest will dissolve), but it was still nice to have Gavin along for post-appointment ice cream.

They took x-rays of my foot, and the fun little bone spur and it's joint are gone (yay!), and he's pleased with the actual healing of the incisions. However, there are some, um, complications. The last few days leading up to the appointment my leg ITCHED LIKE MAD, and turns out, I'd developed a nice little rash underneath, which he thinks is heat-related (and therefore, not contagious, Gavin). Also, the left side of my foot is numb, which is what prompted the aforesaid comment from the doctor. And seeing as how he wants to keep an eye on the rash and the numbness (good idea), no hard cast. Rather, it's the boot for me. Literally. My foot is currently encased in a big, black, HEAVY walking boot. Which is funny because I'm still not allowed to walk.

I'm not worried about either the rash or the numbness, they'll both go away soon. But of course it couldn't be simple. This is me, after all. Things are never dull with me around.

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