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Last Monday, I had surgery on my foot to remove a bone spur (genetic, not environmentally-induced) on the inside of my left foot, as well as lengthen my left calf tendon. I expected to spend last week completely sick from the anesthesia, based on the previous two times I was under general anesthetic. In preparation of this surgery, I told everyone and their brother about that, including the anesthesiologist and his assistant, who assured me that they have "better drugs now". Sure enough, I wasn't nauseated. Most of the time. Not much pain, but my foot is pretty achy, unhappy about being immobilized, and WOW, does it ITCH. The crutches thing is tough, and trying to do anything involving hands is an adventure.

Today, I went back to the doctor. I really like my podiatrist. He has a great sense of humor. When my dad commented on the copious number of pharmacies, he responded dryly, "Yeah, you have to drive a long way to find one." Anyway, the assistant unwrapped my foot, the first time it'd seen daylight since the 29th, and it looked spindly and yellow (the stuff they paint on, you know). I had two large incisions, one on my foot and one on my leg. Plus, a fantastic bruise on the inside of my foot, extending from the heel down towards the toe. It really did look like Frankenfoot. I did mostly OK, even as she was peeling off the gauze (I'm sure Becca's stopped reading by now). Both she and the doctor commented on how cool the room was, but I'm sure that that's the only thing that kept me from passing out, because *I* was actually sweating a bit, and I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Anyway, it was fascinating, as long as I told myself that it was someone else's foot. The doctor seemed pleased, and I have an appointment for next week to have the stitches removed. I will certainly have to ask to lay down for that.

For now, I'm hobbling around on crutches, and with my dad leaving tomorrow, I'm pretty much on my own. My poor dad had to wait in line for an hour at the courthouse today, but I now have a temporary handicapped parking pass that will definitely make things a little easier.

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