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making history


Voting is over, the polls are closed, the final votes still being counted. Did you vote? No? Then shut up, you're not allowed to complain for at least the next two years. And there will be, I'm sure, plenty of complaints, especially from the far right. We have a Democratic Senate, House and Presidency. I lean liberal, but I'd certainly prefer it a little more balanced, but at least it's not an overwhelming majority; the legislative branch is just under 60% Democrats (56 to 40 for Senate, and House is 251 to 173, as of right now).

Two years of dragging out what some are calling the longest Presidential campaigns in history, and especially the Democrats slogging this out for months. Now, finally, it's over. And we have a new President. What's next? After such divisiveness, what's the world going to be like today? It's certainly going to be interesting, and we'll have to wait and see what we ended up with. Rudy Guiliani said it best, I think, when asked his opinion by Brian Williams: "We're all back to just being Americans. We have a President, and we're going to support him."

Today, we have the first African-American president. If it had gone the other way, we'd have the first female vice president. She's not the first to run, and we've had female Presidential candidates before. I look forward to when we actually have one in office. Most of all, however, I look forward to the day when history isn't made because of who the President is, but only for what he/she does. When it's no longer a big deal that a minority or a woman is running. I think that this history-making election did a lot for voter turnout; it was record setting in many areas. That's good, but it's unfortunate that it takes something like this to spur people to the polls. It was crazy yesterday, though, with the election being the only thing people talked about. I know it ramps up every four years, but I don't remember it being like this before. And it wasn't even who the vote was for, just about going out and voting. That was great. I think that voting is one of the most important rights that we have, and we need to exercise it. Let our voices be heard!

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