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one for the kipper


Talk about random. Today's word of the day is kipper. In the morning announcement that we receive daily at work is the very random fact that there are 42 species of bats in the US, 32 of which are found in Texas. And their leadership quote of the day is taken from Napoleon Dynamite.


Ollie drove my truck to Nick Skytland's on Tuesday evening with the plan of caravaning to the Cape for launch viewing, and staying there in case of launch delay and Nick and company had to return. They decided to take just one car. The launch was delayed, and Nick and company did have to come back, so now Ollie is in Florida without means of transportation; he did give Nick my truck keys, so I can at least get it back; Becca will be delighted! ;) He could buy a plane ticket or rent a car, but both are rather expensive options. Right now, he's camped out at a fellow ISUer's place. Stay tuned for the continuing adventures of the wandering Scotsman...

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