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harry potter and the cauldron of nerds


Don't worry, I'm not going to give anything away.

Becca stayed up on Friday so that she could get the new Harry Potter book at midnight. I didn't. I like to get the nice, fabric-covered, gold-leafed versions from the UK, and as I don't see the need to own two of them, I figured I'd just wait until she was done with her book to read it (those nice ones come out later). Sure enough, around 4 p.m. on Saturday, she was done and I started. I stayed up until 3:30 a.m., got up around 9 the next day and finished sometime around 1. Just over 36 hours after purchase, Becca and I had both finished the same copy. Yeah, we're a couple of nerds.

Now, it's only another two years (or so) until the seventh and final book comes out. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Reading the sixth, I wanted to slow down, to stretch it out, knowing that there was a long wait for the next one, and that it was so close to the end. But, I just couldn't stop. I wanted it to keep going, on and on and on.

I feel in love with Harry just after the third book came out. He hadn't exploded on the scene just yet, and I didn't realy know much about the story, but I'd heard about how wonderful the books were. One night while staying in my cousin's room at my aunt's house, I noticed that she had the first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I thought that I'd take a look to see what all of the fuss was about. This was about 10 at night, I remember. It was only when I turned the last page did I realize that I'd stayed up and read the whole thing. I was hooked.

Back at university, I raved about them to a friend, and it tuned out that she had books two and three. She gave them to me on a Friday. Never mind midterms, I was holed up in my room the entire weekend, and much to her surprise, presented them back to her on Monday. "I thought you wanted to read them," she said. "I did read them," I replied.

Then, I had to wait for numbers four, five, six (of course, there was the nice distraction of spending a year abroad between books five and six, which helped ;), and now seven. What on earth will I do when the seventh is finished? It will be a world-wide withdrawal. I can't deny that I have some hopes for that book, of what I want to see. People are speculating that Harry will die. I can see it being possible, after vanquishing Voldemort first, of course, but I truly hope not.

As for the sixth? Well, it met and exceeded my expectations. There were some surprises, some correct speculations, some incorrect, and something that I'd been expecting (and hoping for) for a long time finally, finally happened, and I fervently hope that this aspect, at least, will end well. I won't say what, that's my own private wish, but here's hoping...

Yes, another two long years until the last book *sniff*, but only 116 more days to go until Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire comes out in theaters!!! I really hope that they manage to keep the cast together for all seven movies, and don't say anything about the kids getting too old; I mean, how old was the Dawson's Creek gang, really??

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