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it only thunders when it's raining


Becca already wrote about what the little neurotic, inbred beastie known as Bennet did yesterday during the massive thunderstom, so I won't reiterate it. This means that I have to get him a crate to put him in when we think there might be daytime thunderstorms; I'm thinking one of the large, metal cage-type deals that's big enough for him to at least be able to move around in. I have tried everything, and he's only getting worse. He's smart enough to figure out when the noise is coming from a recording and when it's real; some things I've read suggest that part of it is that high-strung dogs like Border Collies are very sensitive to barometric changes, and I have noticed that he does start acting nervous (more so than usual) before a storm. Any advice is welcome; since this site doesn't have comments, e-mail me here.

There's a new movie coming out staring Billy Bob called The Astronaut Farmer. It being a space movie, it's practically (but not really, of course) a job requirement to go see it. A guy from my group - I won't say his name here, it's pretty obvious which one he is, based on his answers - along with several others, accompanied SciGuy Eric Berger to an advance screening. It's very educational to see what they had to say.

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