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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

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"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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in the name of love


Happy V-Day, as opposed to VE-Day or VJ-Day and if you don't know what those other acronyms mean, then you belong on The Tonight Show's "Jaywalking". Anyway. It's Day something or other and I've yet to have anything sweet, despite the box of chocolates left on my desk, the chocolate-covered strawberries offered to me today and that were present at the party on Saturday, and the mounds of chocolate present throughout the offices and even in the control center. I have two dark chocolate Kisses that I am holding hostage until Wednesday, which is the one day that I'm allowed (as descried in the Gospel according to Cari) to have candy. And I'm planning on doing it up right good, thank you. The idea is to gorge on so much chocolate that I won't want anything sweet for the rest of the Forty Days (and Forty Nights).

My weekend was enh. Not the greatest. The Old Skool Valentine's Party on Sat was pretty fun; more fun than I expected, given the mood that I was in when I arrived. Otherwise, pretty sucky. Nothing major, just little things that piled up and made it bad.

Right now, I'm in the control center. Today is a 14-hour day due to (in my opinion) bad scheduling.Not fun. Today, definitely a two-coke day. Well, really only a one-coke day because my first one was a Diet Cherry 7-Up, which, by the way, apparently only I like.


Funny article about being a singleton in a sea of marrieds. I just hope that I never throw up on Marc Jacobs...

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